Still cooking with Gas?
Still cooking
with Gas?
For tips to protect your health:
Nitrogen Dioxide Emissions from gas stoves.
EPA outdoor air quality maximum for NO₂ is 100 ppb.
Peak ppb = parts per billion
Baking Cake In Oven
Roasting Meat In Oven
Frying Bacon
Boiling Water
Remember: "Natural" gas is really methane gas, a dirty fossil fuel.
Why gas is dangerous for your health

Indoor pollution
- Indoor air is largely unregulated and is often more polluted than outdoor air.
- Gas stoves can be a major source of toxic pollutants, such as: Nitrogen Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Particulate Matter, UFP's (Ultra Fine Particles), Nitrogen Oxides, Methane, CO2, PM2.5.
- Indoor pollution from gas stoves can reach levels that would be illegal outdoors.

Respiratory Issues
- There are well-documented risks to respiratory health from gas stove pollution.
- Children are particularly at risk of respiratory illnesses associated with gas stove pollution.
- Lower-income households may be at higher risk of gas stove pollution exposure.

Additional Health Risks
- Asthma
- Premature Death
- Pulmonary Disease
- Cardiovascular-illness
- Brain Development
- Mental Illness
- Lowered Birth Weight
Read the report “Health Effects from Gas Stove Pollution”
From PSR, Sierra Club, RMI, and Mothers Out Front:
Remember t.o. br.e.a.t.h.e.
Tell your family, friends, and neighbors about the dangers of burning gas in the home, and what to do about it.
Open a window or two for ventilation just before, during, and shortly after cooking with gas.
BRners: always use the back burners first.
Electric appliance alternatives: use smaller appliances instead, such as microwaves, toaster ovens,portable induction burners, etc.
Advocate for clean energy laws and policies with your representatives and public officials.
Transition to healthy electric appliances, as you’re able.
Hood fan on, and on high, whenever cooking with gas, and for a little while afterwords.
Equipment should be properly and regularly maintained, including gas stove, hood fan & filter, carbon monoizide and smoke detectors.
Open a window or two for ventilation just before, during, and shortly after cooking with gas.
BRners: always use the back burners first.
Electric appliance alternatives: use smaller appliances instead, such as microwaves, toaster ovens,portable induction burners, etc.
Advocate for clean energy laws and policies with your representatives and public officials.
Transition to healthy electric appliances, as you’re able.
Hood fan on, and on high, whenever cooking with gas, and for a little while afterwords.
Equipment should be properly and regularly maintained, including gas stove, hood fan & filter, carbon monoizide and smoke detectors.

Go Electric for health
Move up to healthy electric appliances.

When you’re able to replace* your gas appliances, move up to clean, high-efficiency electric or induction stoves, along with electric heat pump furnaces, air conditioning and hot water.
*Caution! Remember, gas is dangerous! Consult with an expert before disconnecting or removing any gas appliance.
What about performance?
What does Consumer Reports say about gas vs modern electric range performance when they looked at high heat cooking, low heat cooking, baking, and broiling? You may be surprised.
Ad campaign conceived and funded by PSR Colorado and Colorado Rising for Communities.
To conduct this campaign through your local PSR chapter or other nonprofit organization, and for media inquiries, please contact: